It is the sequel of the community-created mod, Defense of the Ancients (DotA), which is based on Blizzards's Warcraft III. EU map name: Big Battlefield Feel the Epic battle of StarCraft 2 from first person! StarCraft: Mass Recall (SCMR) is a project that recreates the classic StarCraft and Brood War gameplay as well as the entire single-player campaigns within the StarCraft II engine. Starfinder: Soldier: Soldier Sniper: Operative Sapper: Technomancer Medic: Envoy and Mystic. The StarCraft series has more than earned the right to be considered one of the best multiplayer franchises of all time. The sequel to the arguably, unmatched original brings a fresh new campaign, units and banging new storyline. Because Medivacs combine two units into one. Why does a swimmer cross a swimming pool in the same time as crossing a flowing river? I don't actually think this is valid. The healing ability has a somewhat longer range than in StarCraft, allowing medics to stay behind friendly troops. It lacks Diamondbacks and also the unlockable units like the Science Vessel, Predator or Hercules. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Causes Medics to no longer need a Tech Lab on the Barracks. After waiting more than a decade for StarCraft 2, Blizzard delivered the same fucking game with cartoonish looking graphics.